Read at your own risk! These are MY opinions "MY" opinions only...if you get offended - Then Grow Up! Again...MY opinions..ENJOY!About me: I speak from my hip.I have a voice. LOUD MOUTH LINDA, will take what I see & hear & give you my loud mouth side. If u don't like it, don't read my freakn blogs, if u do..pass it on. If you have an issue you want my opinion on...send me a note or make a comment and I will answer you. Let me be ur voice if u don't have one. And for gods sake if you in a bad relationship with a man...would you please get over it and move on!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger Woods & The Slutt!

A letter to Tiger & the Freakn’ Slutt that sold the voicemail from Tiger Woods:

Dear Ms. Worthless Sleeze Buckett:

I don’t watch golf at all but this is utterly ridiculous. First and foremost a woman that would have an affair with a married man and then take money to expose the affair for her own personal vendetta or personal gain is nothing more than a pure qualified SLUTT. She needs to be taken outside and actually receive an a$$ kicking. How dumb of a female are you. The man was married with children, what did you think you were going to seriously gain, take him from his wife NOT!, take him from his kids NOT! take his fortune DEFINITELY NOT!..so you played and got played, so now you wanna snitch for a few bucks cause Tiger Woods ain’t swinging his golf club in your direction anymore..I think Tiger Woods wife should swing a golf club at your dumb a$$!

Tiger may or may not have had an affair, there is no proof, and if so…your point is what psycho SLUTT? And what the hell is a voicemail message..that don't prove anything. You gold digging Dummie, next time pick up a book...Slutts for Dummies! Just remember, everything you do for personal gain and money will come back to haunt you more than you can even imagine. (God Don't like Ugly).

As for Tiger, he owes America nothing, He owes his family everything! They are is life, not some freakn “the other woman”. Tiger just Take care of your family, you may have made a mistake, but as a man, you now have to correct it, and I am sure you will. But we are all human, we all make mistakes, but you certainly don't need to tell America Nothing..NADA..they all have skeletons in their own damn closets.

So you and your wife...Close the freakn door, and tell the paparazzi to Back the Hell up! in a nice way of course...your life is private and keep it that way. Many celebrities have done way worse in the public eye..and if nothing else, remember you are considered African American, any thing you do is gonna be worse in the news, society don't accept our shortfalls as they do white America...so next time keep that in mind and as an African American, you should know the drill, you don't snitch and keep your mouth shut! Let the media make up their own stories, they already have!

In conclusion...tell the SLUTT...who is now trying to reign for fame on your name...to go ahead and pose for playboy, do her talk shows, keep getting money..because the root of all her evil..will succumb her life and most of us will be happy to see her ruin her life off your fame. She's a freakn idiot! She will fall! The Ho has named her price!

Sorry to be so blunt, but I hate the women that have affairs then claim the victim for money...Die y dont they!

Have a Nice Day Folks..just a sista keepn it real! I’m just sayin….

Pass On to all the ladies and Men….Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH You go GIRL!!! WHIP it to that Nasty a$$ B**ch!!! RIDE EM Girl!!!
